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CARO'S QUEST. Online Children Stories, Preteen and Kids Books. Caro can’t see Fluffers. Is Fluffers real? Fluffers is dead. What is real?
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the Caro's Quest - preteen girl and ghost dog story

And then
she was somewhere
she had never been ...

favorite online children stories

            "Do you mind?" asked Caro. She'd always found it hard to share special things.
            Geela shook her head slowly, “Not at all. The opposite, in fact. When I go to sleep, I lose touch with her, and she’s alone. She doesn’t sleep now. She gets lonely. I’m very glad she’s found you.” Geela smiled a small smile, "Fluffers always loved to play – with dogs, cats, children. Now dogs and cats, even if they recognize her, won't play. Cats especially tend to hiss. But sometimes there's a child she can get near, especially through dreams. So I'm happy for her. And I'm happy for the quietness of the days." She turned back to facing the ocean, her hand still somewhere in midair, moving back and forth.
            Caro didn't quite like being considered a child, but was glad Geela didn't mind about Fluffers.

The fourth night was different.

Dog Love, Animal LoveAre Ghosts RealWho Am I StoriesStories about FriendshipGhost Story for Kids, Preteen StoriesAre Ghosts RealDog Love, Animal Love

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Question: Are Ghosts Real?
Question: Who Am I?
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CARO'S QUEST. Online Children Stories, Preteen and Kids Books.
Caro can’t see Fluffers. Is Fluffers real? Fluffers is dead.
What is real?

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Caro's Quest

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or... Caro Carolina, Geela Gribbs,
and Fluffers, the invisible dog
PUBLISHING HOUSE - FlufferDuff Impressions

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CARO'S QUEST. Online Children Stories, Preteen and Kids Books.
Caro can’t see Fluffers. Is Fluffers real? Fluffers is dead.
What is real?


the beginning     just before

Meg, Jon and Myra Face a Cold and Rainy Day

They all looked at the silent phone. No sound was coming from it. But it had rung.
So someone must have called.

"There must be a reasonable explanation," went Myra, who liked everything reasonable.

"Yah, it could be a cold-blooded killer, just checking to make sure someone'e home."
That was Jon who had his own special kind of humor.

Meg said nothing.
Online children stories, she murmured to herself. Pnline stories for children. None of this made any sense to her.
Everything was normal until they started listening to online kids books. Was that it? Was there some kind of curse?
You did nothing wrong. You did what you were totally allowed to do. You checked out a kid story, kids audio books, kid books
- and presto, things banged in the basement, doors slammed, the phone rang and no one was there.
It didn't make sense. How could listening to online stories for children do that. Even if you typed it wrong, as in online children stories.
That wasn't a crime.

So she closed her eyes and went back to more of her magic words.
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online children's fiction, online children's audio fiction.

"What on earth are you doing? snapped Myra. Myra didn't like nonsense - and Meg's family was known for nonsense.
Meg's mother meditated and was known to start chanting for no reason in the world when there was any argument.
Jonathan obviously didn't take after his mother, but it looked as if Meg did.

Meg was silent, but her eyes were closed and she was obviously not all there.

Jonathan took a glance and shrugged. He was never going to be like Meg, but to each their own, is what he believed.

There was a sudden knock on the door.

"Online children stories, online kids books, kid story, kids audio books, kid books."
Now Meg said the words out loud. That was all she could think of doing.

Myra was different. "Who's there?"



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