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A dog terrified me when I was four. Then when I was seven, my parents took a dog into the house - a little sick dog that its owners had left tied up in their back yard almost the whole winter.

The dog lived. And my life was changed. I still love that dog - though he died long ago.

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The Fluffers Book

dog puppy wants to move in
The Dog Next Door
Wants To Move In


Caro Carolina, Geela Gribbs and Fluffers the Invisible Dog

Geela Gribbs was known as more than a little weird.
        She looked ordinary enough to Caro Carolina, when she came to pick up the key to Pirate's Den, the tiny cottage next door. She did all the usual things. She smiled and admired the view of the ocean. Caro's mother said, like she did with all the guests, "You must be tired after your long drive." Geela admitted she was, took the key, turned to go. And then she snapped her fingers, looked downward, and said, "Come on, Fluffers."
        There was no one with Geela Gribbs, no one Caro's mother saw, no one Caro saw.     more from Caro's Quest

The dog next door wants to move in.
He's been hungry. He's sometimes cold. He's left alone, sometimes for days, in the barn. We have two dogs, nine cats (we live in the country) - and a warm house where our pets are welcome. We'd like to give him a home. But he belongs to the farm next door.
      The question is: who should have the right to decide where the dog lives? The dog or the owners?
                          more from The Dog Next Door Wants To Move In

Beautiful Joe and Me

I remember reading Beautiful Joe when I was about ten. I still remember my horror at how it started. One day a dog gave birth to beautiful puppies. But it was not a happy day. She was starved half to death, her owner beat her, she was huddled in a cold corner of a barn. When the puppies were only a few weeks old, the mother somehow got underfoot her horrible owner. He was furious, kicked her, and then began kicking the pups. The mother dared to growl, and the man grabbed a shovel and smashed it against her head until she no longer moved. He also smashed the puppies. One still lived.      more from Beautiful Joe and Me



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Beautiful Joe and Me

I remember reading Beautiful Joe when I was about ten. I still remember my horror at how it started. One day a dog gave birth to beautiful puppies. But it was not a happy day. She was starved half to death, her owner beat her, she was huddled in a cold corner of a barn. When the puppies were only a few weeks old, the mother somehow got underfoot her horrible owner. He was furious, kicked her, and then began kicking the pups. The mother dared to growl, and the man grabbed a shovel and smashed it against her head until she no longer moved. He also smashed the puppies. One still lived. The man took the knife he always had on him, and cut off the puppy's tail and its ears, and threw it back into its corner.

I don't know how it came to pass, but that puppy lived. Did someone who was passing by overhear and intervene? Did the puppy drag itself out onto the street where someone caring found it? Laura. I think her name was Laura. Laura named the puppy Beautiful Joe.

I'm not sure I've remembered everything right. I am sure the dog had his ears and tail cut off. I am sure his horrible owner meant the puppy to die. I never forgot that story.

I found my copy of Beautiful Joe a few years ago. The start was as powerful as ever. The rest of the book couldn't hold me - it was written about a hundred years ago by someone who loved animals but wasn't a good writer. She was one of the early crusaders for animal rights.

When I was a child, I didn't notice the writing style. I loved Beautiful Joe, and was so happy he found a family that gave him a loving home all his life. I was so sorry no one had come in time to save his mother and the other puppies. But I knew that was reality. I knew kids who tied tin cans to a dog's tail "for fun".

This is a place to share dog stories, share favorite cat stories. It's a home for free dog stories, for loving animal stories, for wild animal stories, for personal dog stories, for dog abuse stories.

Dog rescue story, funny dog story, favorite cat story, true dog story, funny true life dog story, favorite pet story, personal wild life story - this is a home for all those stories.

who loves to share dog stories, share cat stories, share pet stories, share wild animal stories,
who has always felt a connection with animals (the grown up word is empathy),
who cares about animals rights, and wonders how to stop animal abuse.

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