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Moments - Zee with a Love Story

Book One: Don't Waste My Time
It starts with love trouble - Zee saying Don't Waste My Time,
but longng for love. She can feel it in her bones - he calls her honey, he calls her dear, but terms of endearment are cheap, she fears.
And then it's over ... and she feels the echo of the echo of his touch.
Not everything is bleak - finally she comes to doors inside opening wide.

Book Two: Confusion
It starts with confusion as Zee heads into the world of singles. Can she consider herself a babe in boyland? But that's not the big confusion. She and someone are flirting - could they be making, creating this thing called love? That is frightening, more than a bolt of lightning, that they could be choosing to lose their heads. Confusion.

Book Three: Love Gamble
Poker games are not her angle, casino games make her nerves jangle - love is her kind of gamble. Quite some gamble. Touch me with your hands, by dear, hold me close against your chest, hold me in your arms my dear, your heartbeat giving me rest. And then it's stop, wait ... And then ...

Book Four: Heavy Breezes
Summer slowness, heavy breezes bring her to dreams. It's evening. She's waiting. She knows he's coming. They're past the doubting. She can feel it - love, love in the evening, bringing her to dreams.

love story

each 4.97, or 2 for 7.97, or 4 for 12.97, or the whole story, 19.97

on online video blog about love, emotions, healing - videos on love






Elsa’s Thinking Videos, Online Video Blog, Critical Thinking Video,
Anger Videos, Videos Of Cat, Videos on Love, No Love,
Emotions, Ideas, Change.

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an online video blog about buried love,
click here

Click here to go to a blog with video,
critical thinking videos
about how to stop anger

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an I love cats youtube video

Some people like one kind of video, some people like another.
Here, different stuff - because life has so many sides.
An online video blog - such as Confessions of a Love-Not Junkie.
Videos of cats - such as 11 Cats and Loving It.
And critical thinking videos on ideas - like on true pride versus false pride.
Take your pick. Enjoy!

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So much
flowing out,
like a spring
in a forest,
finding its way
in its own way.

But that's
too easy -
the spring
doesn't ache
if its water
isn't touched.

Much more ...

A big question:
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A virtual cafe?





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