Deep simple passionate true love poems. Sexy erotic poetry. Even humorous love poems. Love poems for him, for her, for you.
love poems for her, for him, for you

My gift to you.
Love Poems for You

love poems - get now

Deep simple passionate true love poems.
Sexy erotic poetry. Humorous love poems.
Love poems for him, for her, for you.
touch me with your hand, my dear,
pull me close against your chest ...

To give a love poem is to tell someone,
I love you.

To receive a love poem is to receive love.

And reading love poetry
stirs our love feelings.

As for writing them, I didn't choose to.

I've always loved creativity of all kinds.
But I never had an urge to write poetry.

And then, at the end of a love relationship
that was important to me,
I started hearing words in my head -
the first of these love poems.

Suddenly, night after night,
I would wake up with words -
sometimes poems, sometimes songs -
going through my head.

Once a cowboy was singing,
It hurts when you break
a leg or a heart.

I remember 19 poems the first month.

When I complained to a friend,
she just about fell off her chair laughing.
What was I doing, complaining about
the opposite of writer's block?!?

From my point of view, I was being taken
somewhere totally unexpected.

Still, I rather liked what was happening -
so I followed the words in my head,
wrote them down, let more words come,
typed them up.

erotic love poetry - quote

sensual love poetry

deep love poems

It felt so easy and natural -
even though so unexpected.

Where was all this coming from?
Some of it was grief - an emotion I'd
generally stayed far away from.
Somehow the grief opened something in me,
a flow of words, poems coming from within.

There's more. I'd been breaking
so many inner taboos -
reaching out when I usually stayed safe -
daring instead of waiting and longing and hoping.

Love ... that was part of it.

And old grief, I am sure.

It took every iota of strength I had
to dare, to reach out.

It felt - it was - a change in lifelines.

deep love poem

Now it's almost 20 years later -
and the flow of poems has ebbed at times,
but never stopped.

romantic love poems

Over the past year and a half,
I've once again been changing lifelines -
or so it feels, anyway.

I will always be my father's daughter.

I have so many gifts from him -
creativity, passion, caring, empathy,
concern for social justice,
boundless desire to learn.

I've been doing my best to break
the hold of ancient fears and lack of knowing,
barriers that probably go back for generations.

Part of breaking lifelines, changing lifelines,
has been getting my works further out
into the world than my father
would ever have imagined -
though he dreamed of having
his work known, I'm sure.

About five years ago,
I started building a home on the web
for my writings - including ElsasWords.
In January 2011, there were 48,328
page views for the month.

I've given a gift to my father -
several years after his death.

A couple of years ago, I put a few
of his poems and stories on the web.
They get about 1000 page views a month.

So in a small way, I'm breaking
some of the barriers that kept
his work away from the world.

And now, going on with my own journey,
I've collected 22 of my favorite love poems
into an e-book, Love Poems for You.

There are so many more
plans and hopes and dreams.

From heart breaking open wide
to life breaking open wide.

For the table of contents of
Love Poems for You,
click here

To get your copy of the e-book,
Love Poems for You,
on the cover of your choice

22 Poems About Love

I Love You Poems

Deep simple passionate true love poems.
Sexy erotic poetry. Humorous love poems.
Love poems for him, for her, for you.

touch me with your hand my dear,
pull me close against your chest

also ...



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Elsa - love poet

Love Poems
for You

table of contents
of these
about love

love poems for him, for her

love poems - get now

poems - updates

poems - updates

erotic love poetry

true love poems

I love you poems

love poems
for her

love poems
for him

love poems for
Valentines Day

last minute
Valentine gifts

also available

Love Story

- Moments -

love poems for him, for her

writer blog

true love
for her,
for him,
for you.

sexy poetry.

love poems.

More fun.
More love.














There are
love poems,
love poems,
love poems,
love poetry,
love poems,
sexy poems,
love poems,
for couples ...

love poems,
sexy erotic
love poems,
love perms,
all of them
true love

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love poems

photo of Elsa - Jon Bondy - summer 2010

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site design, site construction - Elsa Schieder
copyright © Elsa Schieder, 2006-2012 - all rights reserved
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Elsa's Adventures in Internet Land


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