How to love yourself and others? First, what is the definition of love? You need to define love, the meaning of love, to know you’re heading in the right direction.
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How to love yourself and others?
First, what is the definition of love?
You need to define love, the meaning of love,
to know you're heading in the right direction.

I was stunned when I came across the claim that love isn't an emotion.

Could that be right, I asked myself.

Everything in me said, no. Because I knew how much I valued feeling that emotion, and how I missed it in so much of my life.

"In love you could shine like a brilliant star," it said in a fortune cookie I got long ago. I knew I wasn't shining like a brilliant star. I had a good time, I had passionate interests, I got angry at injustices and other things, I cared about so many things.

But love ...

How to love yourself and others? This is my personal exploration, my inner quest.

I'm starting with a definition of love - especially as some insist it isn't an emotion.

Is it an emotion? Yes.

If you've ever loved, you know it's a powerful emotion.

It isn't just emotion, though. Full love is connected to action.

You may feel the emotion of love - but physically and verbally abuse, lie and cheat, spend everything on drugs and alcohol instead of your children, and so on. That's not full love.

So, okay, love isn't only an emotion.

How to define love? Loving emotions plus loving actions.

My own exploration is mainly on love as an emotion.

Because that's what's been hardest for me, what's been missing in so much of my life.

I've kept hearing about women who love too much, people who go for too much of this and that - everything from alcohol to food.

My struggle has been different. Something, very early on, choked the feeling of love in me.

Yet I longed to love.

How to love yourself? My inner journey has taken years. I have no simple formula.

What's in it for you, to come along with me?

It could be that you find part of yourself while coming along on my journey.

It could be that you see more clearly where love is lacking in your own life.

It could be that you find ways to increase the flow of love in your own life.

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The Meaning of Love

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How to love yourself and others?
First, what is the definition of love?
You need to define love, the meaning of love,
to know you're heading in the right direction.

Click here for the start, Buried Love.

Click here to contact Elsa
about this inner journey


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A Feel No Love Story

Buried Love Story

- The Beginning -
Buried Love

There are so many confessions from all kinds of addicts - heroin, crack, sex, love, grass, alcohol. People hooked on too much of something.

My story is different ...

I'm a love-not junkie - somehow or other, so long ago that I have no memory of things ever having been different, I got hooked on not loving...

- Part One -
Buried Love

- Part Two -

- Part Three -
Magical Thinking

- Part Four -
Some Enchanted

- Part Five -
Bonds, Buttons,

- Part Six -


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No Love Book


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How to Love Yourself




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Buried Love

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how to love

- Elsa -

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inner journey
to feel
the meaning
of love

How to love

define love.

The definition
of love:
the feeling
of love

And what is
the meaning
of love?

It gives
life much
meaning -
and makes

How to love
and others?


How to feel
the meaning
of love?

No formula.


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