So here
I am, looking out,
How to do this?
A big
question - how to do
I know it can be done, but ...
I can
do this,
but it takes a lot of doing.
easiest in the morning.
Everything seems possible
do you see when you see
me, I wonder.
I keep trying. I'm not sure
what will happen. But over
and over again, I keep
trying - because something
in me doesn't give up, not
forever anyway.
Elsas Word Story Image Idea Music Emporium.
The magic of story, music, idea.
From bottled up, undeveloped to creative development.
Inner riches released. Creativity, good thinking, passion.
Once again, Welcome to
Elsa's Word Story Image Idea Music Emporium stirring inner fires
releasing inner riches
Creative Development, Creative Living
Stirring Inner Fires. Breaking Inner Walls. Releasing Inner Riches.
Stoking Inner Fires. Stroking Tender Passions.
Freeing Inner Genius. Unleashing Creativity. Exploring, Exploding,
Desiring for More ...
More Passion, More Thinking, More Aliveness, More Life
Elsas Word Story Image Idea Music Emporium.
The magic of story, music, idea.
From bottled up, undeveloped to creative development.
Inner riches released. Creativity, good thinking, passion.
about Elsa
my life, creativity has played an enormous part.
The magic of story, music,
idea. Of spoken word, good thinking, images.
Self expression. And connection to others.
July 9, 2006
Elsas Word Story Image Idea Music Emporium
is this place, beyond its name?
The name is actually a good place to start -
Elsas word story image idea music
This place is not just about one form of creativity.
It's for many
forms of creativity,
a preteen story, a kids story,
to hip hop music to trip hop music,
to all kinds of music with words,
from country love song lyrics to bluest blues to
new alternative
rock music to folk music lyrics
to rap-like and raucous to mellow and more,
to spoken word poetry, to love poems and songs,
to breakup poetry, to peaceful poems, anger poems ...
to idea pieces and explorations,
like on good things about gambling,
animals rights, animals and ethics,
the rage of the self righteous,
good thinking, the benefits of thinking,
critical thinking questions and critical thinking skills,
to an exploration of what home is,
to explorations of love and caring and relationships,
to a creativity blog and an inner self blog,
and to images galore.
there are plans for the same kind of space for other people.
Getting that part done will
take some time -
the programming is beyond me.
But like so much else it will
never been able to settle into only one kind of creativity -
or into only
one interest, actually. The world is too wide,
and my interests are too wide,
for me to stay forever in one niche.
Elsas word story image idea music emporium, like me,
will cover a lot of creative
ground -
including creative thinking. Good thinking often comes,
in my experience,
from the same kind of place
as other forms of creativity -
from really listening
to oneself and the world.
4, 2006
with only the slightest changes - July 16, 2009
place has been a long time in the coming, in the making.
It's been years and years.
now here it all is, so many projects, for myself and for others,
so many hopes
and dreams, so many stories, images, ideas,
thoughts, inspirations, so many
moments where something
has burned inside me, burned with the desire
to come
out into the world.
creative people and idea people have also often
come up against the same blocks.
This place is for them as well.
once again, welcome - to browse, upload, enjoy, respond.
My biggest hope -
that something here touches you.
AUGUST 7 , 2007
So many plans realized, so much now on the web.
So much further to go with everything. No project finished.
Next big goal - The Creativity Emporium and My Creative Match.
I'm just finished the opening pages
(meaning, I've just finished them today,
and have just today put them on the web!),
plus I have the templates half done for those projects.
Even more important, programming (not by me)
is due to be started within a week.
As for my own creative works, I'm just trying to match up
with musicians to get my word pieces
to come to the life I hear for them in my mind.
So much to be done.
JUNE 18, 2009
So much more done. Overwhelmingly more.
Ever more building on what has been done.
I thank that earlier self for taking on this huge task.
Now hundreds of pages.
And so much more left to do.
Dec 2007 - about 5,500 page view for the month.
June 2009 - it should be over 40,000.
But huge tasks still ahead.
Like, figuring out how to make my creativity earn me any money.
Right now, getting more people to opt in.
It is absolutely amazing all I've learned and still have to learn -
all for the dream, the goal, the need to reach people.
Elsa of Elsas
word story image idea music emporium
Stein said, almost a century ago,
a rose is a rose is a rose.
easier to say that, than to say
Elsa's word story image idea music emporium is
Elsa's word story image idea music emporium is
Elsa's word story image idea music emporium.
just as a rose is a rose is a rose,
Elsa's word story image idea music emporium is
Elsa's word story image idea music emporium is
Elsa's word story image idea music emporium.
could even go on to say that
a rose is a rose by any other name.
one could hold that
Elsa's word story image idea music emporium is
Elsa's word story image idea music emporium
by any other name.
many humans might not even notice if,
instead of
Elsa's word story image idea music emporium
I wrote
Elsa's word music image idea story emporium
Elsa's word music story image idea emporium.
humans would just register that it's
Elsa's something or other creative emporium.
it is.
if you are at this site,
it's very likely in part because of
nonhuman intervention,
web intervention -
anything but interference -
not perfect but another way of making a match
between what one is looking for
and what
someone else has to offer.
rose is something else by any other name.
word story image idea music emporium
is not
Elsa's word story image idea music emporium
by any other name.
Not for the web.
For now the name is a
So ...
Elsa's word story image idea music emporium
Elsas word story image idea music emporium
Elsa's word story image idea music emporium.
I'm not calling mayday. This is not a distress signal.
an SOS signal - hello, come see me, notice me.
it's Elsa's word story image idea music emporium
Elsas word story image idea music emporium
word story image idea music emporium
calling all search engines
to find me on my island
deserted but fertile
enchanted but isolated
creative and creating but too too alone.
it's Elsa's word story image idea music emporium
Elsas word story image idea music emporium
Elsa's word story image idea music emporium
Elsas word story image idea music emporium.
will help me through my dark?
Who will help me make my mark?
Who will help me build my ark?
I cannot do it alone.
calling to people
but strangely it's not people I am turning to for help.
the web
the world wide web.
calling hoping the web will hear that
Elsas word story image idea music emporium
Elsas word story image idea music emporium
Elsas word story image idea music emporium
is calling, calling, calling with longing and hope.
of me
my early childhood self, Dely, who took the name Elsa
Elsas Word Story Image Idea Music Emporium.
The magic of story, music, idea.
From bottled up, undeveloped to creative development.
Inner riches released. Creativity, good thinking, passion.