The Creativity Emporium. Creative Development. Inner magic released. From controversial issues to emotion poems. Develop your potential.
Elsa's creativity emporium Elsa's Creativity Emporium, Idea Emporium

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Inner Riches Released

From Stuck in a Bottle

To Releasing Potential

And Creative Living











poems of longing for home


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Creative development -
deep inner riches
explored and released.
Time for inner magic,
developing potential,
living life fully.

Elsas Word Story Image Idea Music Creativity Emporium Kids Story - Preteen Girl and Ghost Dog Story The Idea Emporium - good thinking about animal rights, good things a bout gambling, ethics, political correctness, Muslim rage, critical thinking questions Words Music - spoken word poetry, rap poetry, love poems and songs, breakup poetry, bluest blues, folk music lyrics, alternative rock my father's word - poems of longing for words Creativity Blog, Writer Blogs, Poetry Blogs - creativity explored Sensual Sexy Passionate Erotic Spoken Word Poetry Home Is - Explorations of Home - Elsa’s Creativity Emporium -
Inner Riches Released
Inner Magic Released

rich feeling - good thinking - a bigger inner world
Creative Development

The Creativity Emporium - lots of creativity - from spoken word to poetry, to stories -
all the way to controversial issues explored with creative logical thinking

The Creativity Emporium - it sparks your own creative development,
it opens you up to more of your potential,
more of your inner riches, your inner magic

The updates - they keep you in touch with what's new, with stimulating ideas,
and with doorways to feelings - from sorrow to joy to love to anger to contentment

The updates - they remind you to take a moment for yourself, your thoughts,
your feelings - the riches within

Register now. Receive an update.

Most people know there's more to life, more to themselves, more possible -
but often they can't find the time even to try to get there.
Creative development? They can't even find fifteen minutes for a little exercise.

Work expands to fit the time available. These past decades, for millions of people, work has been expanding to fill every corner of life - just like ivy that may be beautiful, but if you let it grow unchecked, it chokes everything else, blocks every window. Most people finally have enough - they cut it back so that they can let in more light.

How do we cut back on work? It's never easy - just as it's not easy to lose weight. But millions of people - with enough determination and, often, a good diet program - manage to do it. Most people find it easier when they're not doing it alone.

The Creativity Emporium - part of the plan to let more light into our lives so we can grow further emotionally and intellectually, reach more of our potential. And the updates - one way of not being alone, of encouraging our creative development.

- Elsa’s Creativity Emporium -
Creative Magic
Your Inner Genius, Your Inner Riches - Better than a Genie in a Bottle

- Elsa’s Creativity Emporium -
a Place to Unbottle
- to Unbottle Good Thinking
- to Unbottle Feelings
- to Unbottle Our Inner Riches


It stimulates thinking. Loads of good thinking all around at the creativity emporium – as tempting as ice cream at an ice cream parlor. So many flavors. And here, so many good ideas. Big ideas - like about the ultimate reality, animal rights, the roots of ethics.

Life expands when we take the time for big ideas.

What else does The Creativity Emporium do?

It opens up feelings. It brings you more to life. When we rush, we often miss out on just plain feeling, on enjoying taking a walk at 8 in the evening, on falling in love, on anything.

So many riches within. Often they wait around, unnoticed in the rush of everyday life. If anything, the riches may be felt as a burden - it would be easier if we felt less. Or our inner riches may not be felt at all, sometimes for years. We're just plain too busy, rushing forward and forward and even further forward. It's like ignoring the most amazing sunset in the world because we're watching commercials on a flat screen tv.


- Elsa’s Creativity Emporium -
A Word, Story, Image, Idea, Music Emporium
to live up to your potential – your creative potential, your thinking potential

Become More Alive
Inner Riches Released
Inner Magic Released

And then, the updates. The web is huge and ever shifting. Millions of sites - like there are millions of stars in the sky. But stars are easier to find again than sites. There is no fixed map for sites. We can search and search. Often, we can't find our way back.

Plus, our own lives are often as packed as the internet universe. It's so easy to lose things we want to keep.

Without the updates and what they offer - inner fires stirred, inner riches released - the Emporium is gone for you.

Enter your email address.

Added bonus: FREE access to the Members Only pages.

Inner magic, inner riches rleeased

PRIVACY POLICY: I won't let anyone else have your email address.
Plus you can unsubscribe at any time.

stirring inner fires
releasing inner riches


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Creative development -
the development of
your potential.
Undeveloped, bottled up?
Time for the adventure
of a lifetime -
living life fully.
Stirring inner fires,
inner magic released.

inner riches released at the creativity emporium

For more about creative development and inner riches released,
click here to go from bottled up to


For still more on creative development,
click here to go from undeveloped to


The Creativity Emporium. Creative Development.
Inner magic released. From controversial issues to emotion poems.
Develop your potential, your inner riches.






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site design, site construction - Elsa Schieder
copyright © Elsa Schieder, 2006-2012 - all rights reserved
copyright ©, 2006-2012 - all rights reserved
an all round creative space, creativity emporium


Elsa's Adventures in Internet Land


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  My Chosen Home words and music - spoken word plus The Fluffers Book - preteen girl and ghost dog story The Idea Emporium Elsa's Creativity Blog Dr Zee's LoveLine The Sexe-Tetes - women in search White Chocolate and Hot Fudge Sauce - words, music, fun, chocolate Zee's cafe Cafe, word music and image emporium Kids Story - Preteen Girl and Ghost Dog Story Home Is - Explorations of Home Words Music - spoken word poetry, rap poetry, love poems and songs, breakup poetry, bluest blues, folk music lyrics, alternative rock The Idea Emporium - good thinking about animal rights, good things a bout gambling, ethics, political correctness, Muslim rage, critical thinking questions Creativity Blog, Writer Blogs, Poetry Blogs - creativity explored LoveLine - love relationships, healthy priorities, good caring word, image, idea emporium Sultry Sensual Erotic Playful Passion Spoken Word Poems Playful Sexy Erotic Passionate Senaul Spoken Word Poems The Idea Emporium - good thinking about animal rights, good things a bout gambling, ethics, political correctness, Muslim rage, critical thinking questions Words Music - spoken word poetry, rap poetry, love poems and songs, breakup poetry, bluest blues, folk music lyrics, alternative rock