Animal Love. Dog Love. Ghost Dogs. Caro Carolina, 13, meets Geela Gribbs, who soon gets known as weird.
A ghost dog is with her. What are animal spirits like? Dog Stories for Animal Lovers.

Animal Love. Dog Love. Ghost Dogs. Caro Carolina, 13, meets Geela Gribbs,
who soon gets known as weird. A ghost dog is with her. What are animal spirits like?
Dog Stories for all Lovers of Animals.

Dog Love. I certainly know about that. The love of a dog. And my love of a dog.

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More Big Questions,
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Should We Live With Animals?

Is loving animals wacky? Dog love? Cat love? And what about when an animal dies? Are there ghost dogs, spirit cats? Serious questions. Very important.

The world Caro enters is one in which love keeps together a spirit animal and a human. "When you keep a spirit with you," says Geela, "You must look after it well."

This is the only world Caro could enter. Animals have always felt as alive to me as people. Do ghosts exist? For me, that's debatable. Are animals intensely alive, especially emotionally alive? My answer is yes - I've experienced this.

What is real? That's important to Caro. But, are animals to be loved and cared for? She doesn't ask that, because she's sure of the answer, like she's sure of two plus two.

"Geela Gribbs was known as more than a little weird," are the words that begin The Fluffers Book. She's seen as weird, not because she loves a pet, but because she's very open about the ghost dog that's with her.
Click to go to CARO'S QUEST

Animal love, dog love, cat love. What makes sense? Huge numbers of people - and religions - see animals as creatures we have every right to dominate, control, kill as we like. In some religions, even today, animals are sacrificed. God supposedly wants this. Of course, in some religions, humans have been sacrificed - again, their god (whom they see as the One and Only God) supposedly has called for this.

But back to animals. Educated Europeans, during the Enlightenment (less than 300 years ago), generally held that animals were automatons. Of course, it's not just animals who have been held as way below men. In the Christian religion, in the year 800, there was a huge debate over whether women had souls. It was a close call: only one more bishop voted yes than no.

But what about after animals die? Even if something continues when a person dies, what about with animals? Are there animal spirits, ghost dogs? From my experience of animals, it only makes sense that, if people have anything that lives on, so do animals.

But what is a ghost dog like? That's most important to Caro. Can she trust it? Could it want to hurt her?    Click to CONTINUE

Animal Love. Dog Love. Ghost Dogs. Caro Carolina, 13, meets Geela Gribbs,
who soon gets known as weird. A ghost dog is with her. What are animal spirits like?
Dog Stories for all Lovers of Animals.

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