Famous quotes Albert Einstein. Many quotes by Einstein are famous. But one Albert Einstein quote surprised me. It had to do with rules, knowing the rules.
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Elsa thinking of Albert Einstein

Famous quotes Albert Einstein.
Many quotes by Einstein are famous.
But one Albert Einstein quote surprised me.
It had to do with rules, knowing the rules.

know the rules!

December 10, 2010

I read a quote by Einstein the other day.

"You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else."

I couldn't believe the words came from him.

I've come across lots of other quotes by Einstein - so different.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge." "Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere."

Was the quote about learning the rules really from Einstein, I asked myself.

I went on the web and checked. Yes. I paused. How did it fit with the others, with my vision of Einstein? And more, what about rules and me, and also you?

One. I learned something about Einstein from the quote: his respect for learning the rules, which could be the rules of a game, or of gravity. In fact, his "big stuff" has to do with figuring out some of the rules of the universe - e=mc2.

Two. Rules and me. I've had to learn, over and over, how blind I've been to some rules. Sometimes that can be freeing. In the story about the naked emperor, the young child didn't know the rule, that the emperor must be seen as fully clothed.

More often, I've found not knowing the rules makes things much harder than necessary. I remember doing way more than needed in a Grade 3 project - it took a lot of my Christmas holidays.

Top sports players learn the rules.

To get ahead on Google, you'd better know the (changing) rules.

Lots of us don't know the rules for making a relationship work - we just decide we won't do what our parents did - and that's almost never enough.

Sometimes we instinctively know the rules - especially if we've taken them in, without even thinking about them. We then "naturally" write well, have good social skills, teach well, and so on.

Why did Einstein's quote make such an impact on me? I've been trying to learn rules that go against my inner grain. For instance, I've been trying to learn how to create online products, instead of just reaching out to be heard.

Get a mentor, I've heard over and over. Follow this or that proven recipe.

I know that for cooking, knowing rules helps.

Don't drop the whole cauliflower into water. Cut it up first.

Don't boil it - that destroys the nutrients. Steam it.

Don't steam it for half an hour - that turns it to mush. Steam it for 10 minutes, and then check.

And yet, once we know a few rules, many of us fool around in the kitchen. Some of us even fool around, knowing hardly anything, and as we cook, we figure out what works for us (while hopefully not destroying every bit of nutritional value).

Often what's best is ongoing learning (which foods are healthiest, etc) combined with our own experimenting. That means we have to be open to learning, and not too afraid to experiment.

The best cooks - as in Einstein's quote - play better than anyone else.

And with that, back to more of his quotes:

"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious."

"It's not that I'm so smart; it's just that I stay with problems longer."

In other words, that's how he gets to play the game so well - passionate curiosity, and sticking with it.

And with that, my hopes:

May we learn the rules of whatever games attract us.

May we play the games with pleasure, passionate curiosity, and stick-to-it-ness.

And may we find both great players to play with, and great teachers to help us play even better.

As always, all the best,


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Famous quotes Albert Einstein. Many quotes by Einstein are famous.
But one Albert Einstein quote surprised me.
It had to do with rules, knowing the rules.

Elsa's Blog on Learning the Rules and Other Famous Albert Einstein Quotes

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