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Kids Reading Book, CARO'S QUEST. Read Good Kids Books Online. Special Kids Books To Read Online, Kids Online Stories. Friendship Story.
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    kids story - preteen girl, ghost dog, friendship story
the Caro's Quest - preteen girl and ghost dog story

Someone alive
was lying
in the ditch ...

special kids reading book

            She had stopped being scared. Someone alive was lying in the ditch. That someone did not speak to her, say anything, or move. That someone must be very badly hurt.
            "Fluffers. Thank you, Fluffers," Caro murmured. Fluffers must care a lot, she realized.
            Fluffers gave another soft whine.
            “Where are you, Fluffers? Can you help?” Caro’s hand reached forward, fumbled around, felt only plants and the empty air.
            The whine didn’t stop.
            Since Caro could not feel Fluffers, even though she heard her, she was totally absolutely sure she was awake. She must do this right, she thought, she must. Someone was hurt, someone real and alive, not someone in a dream. She had to try to save that person.

She turned, grabbed goldenrods and scrambled to the edge of the ditch. She stood for a moment, glad for the silver light from the moon. She wanted to do nothing more than to start running. But what good would that do whoever was in the ditch? What if she couldn't hear Fluffers when she came back? It would take hours to search the ditch in the dark. How would she ever find that person again? 
            She took off her windbreaker, tied it to a goldenrod. She made sure a sleeve showed – the neon stripe would make it easy to spot.

And then she ran. It felt like hours, but she knew it could only have been a few minutes when she saw a dark house ahead of her, just a small porchlight burning. She rang the doorbell and banged on the door. "Wake up. Wake up." She did not like waking people up – her parents hated to be woken up – but this was way too important.
            A light went on inside, in an upstairs room. Then one downstairs. The door opened.
            Inside the door stood Mr. Janoschevic who ran the garage. He had dark brooding eyes, a large dark mustache, and a powerful dark look. One did not mess with him – that’s what his look said. No one called Mr. Janoschevic anything other than Mr. Janoschevic. Caro found him a little scary.
            When he saw Caro in her pajamas and slippers on the doorstep, he looked worried. "What is it?"
            "Someone's in the ditch a ways up from your house, Mr. Janoschevic."
            "Car accident? You've been in a car accident?"

 ch 3 , pg 4
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Question: Are Ghosts Real?
Question: Who Am I?
big questions that make you think
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Kids Reading Book, CARO'S QUEST.
Read Good Kids Books Online.
Special Kids Books To Read Online, Kids Online Stories. Friendship Story.

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Caro's Quest

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or... Caro Carolina, Geela Gribbs,
and Fluffers, the invisible dog
PUBLISHING HOUSE - FlufferDuff Impressions

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Kids Reading Book, CARO'S QUEST. Read Good Kids Books Online.
Special Kids Books To Read Online, Kids Online Stories. Friendship Story.


Meg, Jon and Myra Are Kids Reading Book

They looked at photos online, of kids reading books. They were different - three different kids reading book online.
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For now, they liked one special kids story - and there they were kids reading book, a favorite good kids book.

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