Cat Short Story, Story about Cats, Cat Stories. PERSIA THE SOCIAL WORKER AND MADAME THE NEUROTIC. Plus Cat Photo Album, Photos of Cat.
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Cat Short Story, Story about Cats, Cat Stories.
Plus Cat Photo Album, Photos of Cat -
all coming from love of cats.

Persia the Social Worker
and Madame the Neurotic

For a long time, for years and years, I didn't know
what was special about Persia...     

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cat photo gallery - persia and madame cuddling   cat photo gallery - persia and madame cuddling

   cat photo gallery - persia and madame cuddling

cat photo gallery - persia and madame cuddling    cat photo gallery - persia and madame cuddling

For a long time, for years and years, I didn't know
what was special about Persia.

Persia. His face has soft gray and white colors mixed together - a bit like a Persian carpet. So he was named Persia. As a kitten, he was always the first
to try anything. So he was special in that way. He would spend hours
jumping at sunbeams - like all kittens, but more intently. So he got the nickname, Persia the Hunter.

I don't know if he is changing because of ZonZon's coming,
or if it's just that I'm noticing more.

When ZonZon came, a kitten cat who wanted to roughhouse,
Persia was maybe five or six years old. The other cats were also all
grown-ups and just hissed. But Persia let her pounce on him for hours.

And then I noticed. He's not just care-taking around ZonZon.
In a very different way, he takes care of Madame the Neurotic.

Madame walks around, looking desolate, yowling as if she didn't have a friend
in the world, as if she had been abandoned all alone on a desolate desert island.

Persia goes to her, soothes her.

Madame goes lies on an armchair, all alone, looking around as if
someone is about to pounce. Persia goes to her, licks her, quiets her.
When Persia is with Madame, she relaxes, rests peacefully.
Persia will spend hours cuddling her, or lying beside her but watching
what is going on around him.

Sometimes Madame also tenderly grooms him.

Now that I have started to notice what is special about Persia,
I see how, maybe most of all, he is a watcher and protector.

A new cat, Timothy Cat, came to stay just a few months ago.
Persia watched and watched.

He'ss not the boss in this little cat society - there doesn't seem to be any boss.
He doesn't watch in order to take over or control. I think it's that he cares,
and cares to protect.

Lately I've been noticing that, just as I watch him, he's watching me.


Madame the Neurotic

Why Madame is neurotic I don't know. But she insists on eating alone,
not with the other cats. And when she is alone - though she has chosen
to be alone - she meows and meows. I call her. She comes and is soothed,
but just for a moment.

She leaves - and starts meowing again. Except when she is with Persia.

Most of the day, she is with Persia -
In fact, more and more, they are together.

There is one cat who often joins them - Ollio the Awful,
the only other cat who wails. He looks at Persia and Madame
peacefuly together, and jumps right on them. "Let me in."


cat photo gallery ZonZon - kitten cat photos photos of cats cudding cat photo album - Ollio cat photo album - TeeDee cat photo gallery - Timothy Cat cat photo album - Princess and MamaCat kitten photos - TiNoir cat photos - Timothy Cat kitten photos - TiNoir cat photos - The Princess and MamaCat cat photo - Scruffers cat photo - TiChat

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Click here for TiNoir the Friendly -
cat kitten photos and the cat short story of ...

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And click here for an I LOVE CATS video

Cat Short Story, Story about Cats, Cat Stories.
Plus Cat Photo Album, Photos of Cat -
all coming from love of cats.

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cat photo gallery - persia and madame cuddling

Cat Short Story, Story about Cats, Cat Stories.
Plus Cat Photo Album, Photos of Cat -
all coming from love of cats.

Timothy Cat - cat poems Timothy Cat is Back


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a ghost dog,
a hit and run, and
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the start of Halloween -
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a cat short story
about a cat
who hadn't been noticed -
and then I discovered -
he's a very special cat

- 11 cats -
and loving it
I love cats youtube video
cats video

photo gallery
of cats

TeeDee, Scruffers,
, Timothy Cat,
Persia and Madame,
TiNoir, Zonzon, Ollio,
the ScaredyCat Princess,
and MamaCat

soon ...
loss of pets
a good death
a harder death

- Elsa -
cat expert

contact for media

Buried Love Youtube Video
Elsa's video posting
and online video blog
on buried love,
how to stop anger,
true pride and more


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Aminal Rights.
The dog next door
wants to move in.
Whose Dog Is It?

Animals and Ethics.
Elsa, age 7,
takes on god,
knows god is wrong.


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Hungry Bears.
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The biggest project
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making this world
a true home
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the love of cats,
and more than that -
caring about cats,
and more than that -
in this cat short story,
in these stories about cats


love for cats,
a cat short story,
stories about cats,
photos of cats,
attention to cats -
and more than that

at the heart of it, love -
the love for cats

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