Want to Improve Search Engine Ranks, Reach Better Search Engine Ranks, Top Web Site Ranking? It's Not a Mystery. Here, My Story about Higher Search Engine Ranks, Increased Search Engine Traffic.

Improve Search Engine Ranks. Reach Better Search Engine Ranks.
That's what I wanted. I didn't have a clue how to get this. I learned.

Want to Improve Search Engine Ranks, Reach Better Search Engine Ranks, Top Web Site Ranking?
It's Not a Mystery. Here, My Story about Higher Search Engine Ranks, Increased Search Engine Traffic.

It took luck, reaching out, and listening to my inner voice.


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Elsa's Adventures in Internet Land      

Elsa wants higher search engine traffic
Elsa finally finds increased
search engine traffic.

Elsa wants better search engine ranks
But for a long time
she wonders:
will she ever improve
search engine ranks?

Elsa tries to improve search engine ranks
She wonders and wonders:
how can she get better
search engine ranks?

Elsa styrves for higher search engine ranks
Alice in Wonderland
managed to grow -
will I also be able
to reach ever higher
search engine ranks,
maybe even reach
top web site ranking?


Part 2 of how things changed for me.

I ran into a bit of luck about 8 years ago. I had had enough un-luck. I kept trying and trying to get my work out into the world, then giving up for a time, then trying again. I sent out writings. I tried for grants. I got lots of positive letters of rejections. But as they say, a miss is as good as a mile. In other words, I didn't get in. And when I did get published, it was in small publications that were soon gone.

Finally, I got my lucky break.

I teach at a college. About 8 years ago, I took a small workshop for people totally unfamiliar with the web. That introduced me to Chris Chadillon - one of the chairs of the computer science department, and much more important, one of the people who've created SiteSell. Also, he's a marvelously caring person, who helped me in an early struggle to put together a few web pages.

Fast forward several years.

What happens next no longer has anything to do with luck - but with my reaching out.

By then I had, with a lot of struggling, created a web site - that had absolutely zero visibility. I wanted that to change. I wanted to improve search engine ranks. Actually, secretly I wanted top web site ranking. But I would have been delighted by any increased search engine traffic.

At some point, I had heard Chris mention SiteSell - a site that gave you the tools so your web site would improve search engine ranks, get higher search engine placement.

All that was a total mystery to me. I wanted that to change.

Now I reached out - I went and spoke to Chris. He didn't push SiteSell at all – and now this amazes me! But he did tell me more about it. I am eternally grateful - because he gave me the information to know:

SiteSell was what I needed -
everything in one package -
all the tools for someone who didn't have a clue
how to get Google to take notice.

He made clear that SiteSell provides a complete and well laid out route to get better search engine ranks, to improve search engine ranks. Chris explained. I listened. Wow!

There is more to my recognizing this as a great opportunity. But in case any of you is impatient, here's a link to SiteSell and they'll tell you lots more:

And with that, back to my going for this great opportunity. My partner didn't have the same impression of SiteSell as I did. And I found it massively difficult to go against his negative response - especially as the web site for which I wanted increased search engine traffic wasn't this creativity site. It was the first site I worked on, for vacation rentals. Short term rentals - that's something we were starting together.

I spent hours and hours going over the SiteSell site, reading the glowing testimonials, replaying Chris's words in my mind - and agonizing.

In the end, after a lot of hesitation, I listened to myself - and am as grateful for this as for the initial lucky encounter with Chris. There's a piece I've written - I Found My Own Lucky Penny. In reaching out to Chris, and then going with my inner voice, I was making my own lucky penny.

So how did I get to SiteSell? The short version: I met Chris, talked to him, went home, and within a few days, bought a space on SiteSell. Once again, here's a link.

No immigrant to a new country has been more lost than I was ... CONTINUE

SITESELL - BETTER SEARCH ENGINE RANKS. Here, a great introduction.



with more of of my search to reach
higher search engine ranks,
and maybe even top web site ranking


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Elsa's Adventures in Internet Land


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