Elsas Creativity Blogs, Writer Blogs, Blog on the Creative Process. Time has raced by. Little done on the creativity site. Creative enthusiasm, yes. Creativity time? Not enough.
Elsas Creativity Blogs - an ongoing journey

elsa - word, story, image idea music person
Welcome into my World
Making Dreams Come True

Elsa's Blogs - Aug 05-Sept 09


Sept 4, 2009
July 29, 2009
May 15, 2009
December 17, 2008
February 5, 2008
February 4, 2008
January 10, 2008
December 7, 2007
December 6, 2007
October 7, 2007

September 30, 2007

September 9, 2007

Sept 8, 2007 - more

September 8 , 2007

June 25, 2007

June 23, 2007 - more

June 23, 2007

June 22, 2007

June 18, 2007

May 28 , 2007

May 20, 2007

April 8, 2007

March 18, 2007
March 10, 2007
January 4, 2007
December 28, 2006

December 14, 2006
December 7, 2006
Oct 26, 2006 - more
October 26, 2006
October 10, 2006
October 09, 2006
September 20, 2006
September 19, 2006
September 18, 2006
Sept 3, 2006 - even more
Sept 3, 2006 - more
September 3, 2006
August 13, 2006
August 5, 2006
July 31, 2006
July 24, 2006
July 23, 2006
July 9 2006
July 8, 2006
June 21, 2006
June 15, 2006 - more
June 15, 2006
June 11, 2006
June 6, 2006 - more
June 6, 2006
May 24, 2006
August 17, 2005
August 8, 2005

About Elsa


elsa's creativity emporium
It's so easy
to lose touch.
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So here I am,
looking out, wondering.
elsa - word, story, image idea music person
How to do this?

A big question - how to do this?elsa - word, story, image idea music person
I know it can be done, but

I can do this,elsa - word, story, image idea music person
but it takes a lot of doing.

It's easiest in the morning. elsa - word, story, image idea music person
Everything seems possible then.


What do you see when
you see me, I wonder.elsa - word, story, image idea music person
I keep trying. I'm not sure
what will happen. But over
and over again, I keep
trying - because something
in me doesn't give up, not
forever anyway.


Elsa's Blogs
Aug 05-July 09



elsa's creativity emporium
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elsa - word, story, image idea music person

elsa - word, story, image idea music person

elsa - word, story, image idea music person

elsa - word, story, image idea music person

elsa - word, story, image idea music person


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Time has raced by. I have done loads, but little on the creativity site.
Hard to find time for creative projects. Many enthusiasms. Not enough time.
Creativity Blogs. Blog on the Creative Process.

MARCH 10 , 2007


The days have raced into each other. I have gotten out updates - but very little else. The reading of Caro's Quest as been redone, so now it pulls me in. A million thanks to Mark for that.

But when I think of what was accomplished in a month from the end of last May to the end of June I am stunned. It seems I have been standing still.

What has happened? Everything else. Teaching. The rental site - which has taken a huge chunk of attention. And, a tiny bit, time with my mother. But it's been the rental site above all else - which has gotten along all right since last May, but with the work piling up. This and this and that and the other. And then the days raced by - devoured by a monster. A monstrous load of work.

No inner pressure to get back to the creativity site. Things seem to be simmering here and there, loads of burners on my stove, on low heat, none of the pots boiling over.

Next week piles of marking will be coming in - so again priorities higher than the rental site.

I keep learning, keep being pleased with accomplishments - most recently (today) with an ultra-sleek place I did the visuals for on the rental site. Not my style, but that wasn't my goal. My goal: to capture the style and feel of the place. I think I have.

(NOTE: April 2017: I'd love to show it to you. But years have passed. And now the place is no longer on the web.)

I'm proud of what I've done - yet another stretch of my abilities. And I'm frustrated - is this what I should be doing with my time? It is ephemeral.

The rental site could also collapse into nothingness in a moment. It exists to rent the places it advertises. It does not exist for its own sake.

And my site, which exists for its own sake? What of it?

I need to focus more on it.

There's even more, actually. I've learned an enormous amount, this past year, about how to get a site visible on the web. Search engine optimization - formal words. And I've wanted to use those skills for stuff I care about. So I've been glad to put time into a friend's site. Now there are three more sites that may come into being.

I am reaching out for that work - it feels right to do so. But is this crazy, I ask myself. Because there are only so many hours in the day. And here I am, volunteering to give many away.

The question? Time. How best to use the time I have available. I have so many desires. And the creative desires mix with so many others.

I will try, once again, to put more energy into this.


And then I remember all the enormous amount of time I have put into creative projects that did not go anywhere. Somehow now there is less time. Where were all those hours? They don't exist now.

I feel so full, though, of energy, hopes, plans, dreams. So close to so many things.

And each month does see the site get more visitors.


Anyway, for tonight, this is enough. A few minutes for this site.

As always, welcome into my world.

creating, connecting, exchanging -
or anyway, trying to

MARCH 10, 2007

copyright © Elsa Schieder 2006-2007
publishing house - FlufferDuff Impressions 2007

Previous - January 4, 2007

Next - March 18, 2007

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Elsas Creativity Blogs.
Writer Blogs, Blog on the Creative Process.
Time has raced by. Little done on the creativity site.
Creative enthusiasm, yes. Creativity time? Not enough.

For more blogs on the creative process,
click here for a blog o
the illusion of progress

For a blog on pure vs aplied creativity,
click here

For all of Elsa's creativity blogs,
click here

Elsa's Creativity Blog
Writer blogs, poetry blogs, musical blogs.
How do I get my works out into the world?
Steps, stages, successes, failures.
Creativity. Not easy to find a home for it.


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For those of you wondering, just what are Elsa's creativity blogs about?

elsas creativity blogs
         elsas writer blogs
                  elsas creativity blogs
                           are blogs by elsa
                                    on creative endeavors
                           about elsa's trying
                               once more vying
                                  to reach the world
                                       let words unfurl
                                       let them rumble
                                       let them blog into the sunset
                                            over the hill
                                            down the dale
                                            up the mountain
                                            down the vale

elsas creativity blogs
are not the same as elsas creativity logs - a jotting down of events, of time spent

writer blogs, poetry blogs, musical blogs
choice blogs, find my voice blogs
obscure blogs, creativity for sure blogs

image blog, literature blog, blog arts
artists blog, writing blogs, inviting blogs

elsas creativity blogs
are not a hop and stop
     tip top mop shop pop drop
elsas creativity blogs
     are writer blogs, musical blogs, spoken word blogs
     are elsas creativity blog

but what are elsas creativity blogs?

elsas creativity blogs
     are stop and start
          on and off
       ever renewing
                    writer blogs, web making blogs, musical blogs
                    spoken word blogs, inviting blogs, writing blogs
     are not a dog
                 groggy old nodding off creativity blob
     are a wide awake
         revving up
         ever making up stuff
                 writer blogs, inviting blogs, elsas creativity blogs

elsas creativity blogs -
     a short stop to bring you along
                           as I'm making up the site
                           feeling my way
                           like a jungle explorer
                           creepers and crawlers every which way
                           how to get through the day?
                           I couldn't say

but I could write - writer blogs, blog journals, inviting
those are elsas creativity blog

where does it come from?
where does it go?
elsas creativity blog doesn't know

it records the words elsa writes
it stays the course
it blogs all night
it's delighted to be blogging
         leap frogging
                  over words
                  over muddles
                  over huddles
                           of word lugging trouble
                  over word puddles
                  and into word puddles

elsas creativity blog
         writer blogs, spoken word blogs
                  poetry blogs, musical blogs
                      blogs by elsa
                            on creative endeavors
                       elsa's trying
                            once more vying
                                   to reach the world
                                        let words unfurl
                                        let them rumble
                                        let them blog into the sunset
                                              over the hill
                                              down the dale
                                              up the mountain
                                              down the vale
              elsas creativity blog
                       is a faithful old horse
                                 that won't stop
                         it blop blop blogs
                                 a faithful old horse
                                     stopping now and then in its course
                                          to chew its cud
                                              letting ideas bud
                                     and then blogging alone
                                          blogging along
                                              clip clop blip blop

                         elsas creativity blogs, writer blogs, writer blogs
                             elsas creativity blog, writer blogs
                                      elsas creativity blog

              elsas creativity blog
                       is a faithful old horse
                                 that won't stop
                         it blop blop blogs
                                 a faithful old horse
                                     stopping now and then in its course
                                          to chew its cud
                                              letting ideas bud
                                     and then blogging alone
                                          blogging along
                                              clip clop blip blop

                    elsas writer blogs
                    elsas blogging words, writer blogs

               elsas creativity blog
                      is a faithful old horse
                              that won't stop
                      it blop blop blogs
                              a faithful old horse
                                  stopping now and then in its course
                                       to chew its cud
                                          letting ideas bud
                                   and then blogging alone
                                      blogging along
                                         clip clop blip blop

            elsas writers blogs
                  elsas poetry blogs
                       elsas blogging words

                                      blogging along
                                         clip clop blip blop

            elsas creativity blogs
                  elsas diary blogs
                       elsas creativity blogs

 Elsa Schieder
                                                                                      July 9, 2006
                                                                                      © Elsa Schieder, 2006




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