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NEW BLOGS STAY IN TOUCH So here I am, A big question - how to do this? I can do this, It's easiest in the morning.
What do you see when
- domain name chosen, JULY 8 , 2006 THIS WAS ALMOST ELSAS-WORD-STORY-IMAGE-IDEA-MUSIC-ALL-ROUND-CREATIVE SPACE. That has been the working title since the 24th of May, when I started designing page after page.Now, typing the title, my fingers spelled out ELSAS-WORD-MUSIC. That might also have been good. Just a few hours ago, in fact, my partner suggested that it might be better to put music more at the start. But what about the other parts of the site? That would make itc. It doesn't work for me - too confusing. So, back to the original order of things. I don't know what's best - it is, after all, supposed to be an all round creative space. But, emporium - I have long liked that word. I've even looked up the definition, to make sure I wasn't giving it a definition in my head that was out of line with the dictionary definiton. After all, it's not a common word - like store or shop or cafe or boutique or restaurant. In my mind, I have the image of a large store, old-fashioned, with loads of things all over on display. So much to browse through. Not a modern store, huge with row upong row of stuff o nshelves. Something more comfortable, with wooden floors, no chrome. One would ever know what might be around the corner. The dictionary: emporium
– a store, usually a large store, that offers a wide selection
of goods; Okay, close enough. Most,
I like the word, the sound of it. Like an empire of good things,
of "goods". I know,
goods are products, whatever can be bought. But I like the sound of
that word too - an emporium is a place where one finds goods. Kind
of nice. Much better than the word I had been leaning toward - space. Such an empty word - that can be filled with anything. But I wanted to start with a fuller word - and for me at least, emporium is such a word.
So, I'm satisfied. ELSAS-WORD-STORY-IMAGE-IDEA-MUSIC-EMPORIUM.COM, it is. Just registered. The virtual ink hardly dry on the virtual page. Not one single page yet uploaded, but almost fifty just waiting to go. Of course they will have to be fine tuned. I am sure lots will be less that perfect by SiteSell standards - and in order to give my space the best possible chance to reach you, I want it to conform to the rules of the web. So here it goes. Time to upload the first page, and then all the others I have waiting. Tie to say good-bye for now and get to work And then there's the next section waiting to be taken care of - the idea part. And sound - so much to do with sound. But it's a good day today. As always, welcome into my world. signed, Elsa JULY 8, 2006 copyright © Elsa Schieder 2006, 2011
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- Elsa's creativity blog - Elsas-word-story-image-idea-music-emporium.com