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Making Dreams Come True
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About Elsa

It's so easy
to lose touch.
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So here I am,
looking out, wondering.

How to do this?
A big question - how to do this?
I know it can be done, but
I can do this,
but it takes a lot of doing.
It's easiest in the morning. 
Everything seems possible then.
What do you see when
you see me, I wonder.
I keep trying. I'm not sure
what will happen. But over
and over again, I keep
trying - because something
in me doesn't give up, not
forever anyway.
Elsa's Blogs
Aug 05-July 09

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Elsas Creativity Blog: don’t bite off more than you can chew,
but over and over, my dreams do. My dreams and I. Long deep sleeps
as I face trying to make real my creative dreams.
APRIL 8 , 2007
That's what was on my mind this morning - and I almost sat down and wrote about this in everyday words. But another voice inside me came up with the start of a song, a word piece, and that's what I went with.
My dreams and I
The sky's not half as high
as the height they would fly
if I try
or so it seems
just one more try
if I dare
if I care
if I try
one more try
My dreams and I
I bite
more than I can chew MORE
That's something I often do. I rarely, in my hopes and dreams, come up with tiny morsels, little tiny things easy to achieve. There are lots of smaller things, easy to do - songs, and so on, lots of writing, images. But then, to try to find a space in the world for those things, I'm stuck with loads to do that just doesn't come easily for me.
And now, having written the piece, uploaded it even, I am back here, with everyday words, and my current reality. Ahead of me is something huge:
I'm getting ready to take on more of what I've started - more dreams that haven't made it to fulfillment.
I've slept long and hard these last couple of nights. Exhaustion. Maybe it's a coincidence. Maybe there's a connection. I don't know. But I know I feel bogged down - before starting - by all the work ahead, work I couldn't complete when I started, years ago, before despite trying.
I have, from about five years ago, a bunch of Flash files - a number of them meant for a major project: In My Own, My Chosen Home, explorations of what it means to be at home. (Flash, for people not familiar with the term, is a web design program where there can be movement, animation, video, etc.) The most ambitious undertaking, in those files, is Summer's Passion - whoops, typo - I meant to type, Summer's Passing.
Summer's Passing - a lot of passion went into getting that done for a deadline, a grant application that resulted in yet one more rejection. There was work left to do on Summer's Passing, and the whole Chosen Home project would have been much more work. All of it was put aside in the rush of life and the tide of events, and in the hope that there would be funding.
Now I am coming back to those Flash files and, with that, to one of my many dreams.
Don't bite off more than you can chew. I've heard that over and over. But what is "more than you can chew"? We can't know in advance all the time. Columbus would never have gotten to America if he'd listened to that - and the world might have been a better place for the natives of North America, at least for a while, if he'd stayed home.
Today I've felt on two sides - one the one side, ready to go ahead, and in my head imagining things already worked out - and on the other side, weighed down by the mass of things to do, things hard to do, skills needed, resources needed. One big help, Mark Corwin - very much part of Summer's Passing and other projects. In fact, it was his electroacoustic piece that sparked the words which led to everything else with Summer's Passing.
But that is an aside. The big thing. Trying to turn dreams into realities. Not easy when the dreams are big, when I don't happen to have made my way yet to quite the right place (scary all that searching, reaching), and when there are lots of other time demands.
But I know my dreams are calling out loud and clear - help, we need help, come help. Elsa, come on, it's time.
always, welcome into my world.
APRIL 8, 2007
- March 18, 2007
Next - May 20, 2007


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- Elsa's creativity
blog -
Elsas Creativity Blog:
don’t bite off more than you can chew,
but over and over, my dreams do.
My dreams and I.
Long deep sleeps
as I face trying to make real
my creative dreams.
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creativity blog to Caro's Quest, click here.
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Elsa's Creativity
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For those of you wondering, just what
is Elsa's creativity blog about?
elsas creativity blog
is not the same as elsas creativity log - a jotting down of events, of
time spent
elsas creativity blog
is not a hop and stop
tip top mop shop pop drop
elsas creativity blog
is elsas creativity blog
is elsas creativity blog
but what is elsas creativity blog?
elsas creativity blog
is stop and start
on and off
ever renewing
creativity blog
creativity blog
is not a dog
groggy old nodding off creativity blob
is a wide awake
revving up
ever making up
elsas creativity
elsas creativity blog -
a short stop to bring you along
I'm making up the site
my way
a jungle explorer
and crawlers every which way
to get through the day?
couldn't say
that's elsas creativity blog
where does it come from?
where des it go?
elsas creativity blog doesn't know
it records the words elsa writes
it stays the course
it blogs all night
it's delighted to be blogging
leap frogging
word lugging trouble
word puddles
and into word puddles
elsas creativity blog
elsas creativity
creativity blog
a blog by elsa
on creative endeavors
elsa's trying
more vying
to reach the world
let words unfurl
let them rumble
let them blog into the sunset
over the hill
down the dale
up the mountain
down the vale
creativity blog
a faithful old horse
that won't stop
blop blop blogs
a faithful old horse
stopping now and then in its course
to chew its cud
letting ideas bud
and then blogging alone
blogging along
clip clop blip blop
elsas creativity blog
elsas creativity blog
elsas creativity blog
Elsa Schieder
July 9, 2006
Elsa Schieder, 2006
and even more choices ...
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