THE FLUFFERS BOOK. Ghost Stories for Kids. Preteen Stories. Caro,13, gets a new neighbor with an invisible dog.
Is the ghost dog real? Ghost Dog, Preteen Girl, Hit and Run.

Caro's Quest. Ghost Stories for Kids. Preteen Stories.
Caro,13, gets a new neighbor with an invisible dog. Is the ghost dog real?
Ghost Dog, Preteen Girl, Hit and Run.


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Big Questions:      
What is Real? Do Ghosts Exist?

Caro's parents don't believe in ghosts. But on Main Street, there's Fran Perkins, who's sure spirits are floating all around us. Now a new neighbor claims to live with an invisible dog.
Click to go to CARO'S QUEST

It's almost as confusing as, is there a god? Is there heaven? Hell? Or do we get reborn? Is god going to make a heaven on earth? Do animals have spirits? Are we supposed to dominate over animals? Over those who don't agree?

Everyone is ready to give Caro answers. But it doesn't help, because they can't all be right and she just ends up with a heap of different answers, and doesn't know how to figure out which is right.

The ghost dog next door tips things for Caro. The questions about ghosts, god and what is real have been circling around in her head for ages. Now she really wants answers.

She's always loved ghost stories. She's also found them a bit scary. Just a couple of years ago, she and her 2 best friends watched a movie about ghost dolls who came alive in the night and killed everybody. She wasn't able to sleep with dolls in her room for months after that.

The town library has shelves of ghost stories, fantasy stories, magic story books, ghost stories for kids, short ghost stories. Caro has read at least half.

She never expected, though, to be living in a ghost story. Or is her new neighbor crazy? Or maybe not crazy. Weird.

And then the ghost dog comes to her in her dreams and wants to play. Is it dangerous, like those awful ghost dolls? A few days later, again in a dream, it leads her past the edge of town. On a deserted stretch of road, it disappears. In front of her is a ditch. Caro shivers. Suddenly, she knows she's awake.

Caro is faced with lots and lots of questions - like, what is this ghost dog really like?   Click to CONTINUE

Caro's Quest. Ghost Stories for Kids. Preteen Stories.
Caro,13, gets a new neighbor with an invisible dog. Is the ghost dog real?
Ghost Dog, Preteen Girl, Hit and Run.

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