Who Am I? That's Caro's Biggest Question. Scared Kid? Or Female Super Hero? What Is A Hero, Anyway?
Not Easy, Being 13, Scared Of The Dark, Wanting To Be A Hero.

Caro's Biggest Question: Who am I?
Scared kid? Or Female Super Hero? And What is a Hero, Anyway?
Not Easy, Being 13, Scared of the Dark, and Wanting to be a Hero.


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Who Is This Person I Call Me?                   

Caro Carolina doesn't have super powers. She can't do magic. She isn't super strong. She sure isn't super brave. In fact, she gets scared easily. She's thirteen, and sleeps with a night light.

That isn't who she want to be. Her secret identity: super hero.
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She's read lots of hero tales about super sleuths, female heroes, female super hero champions.

But will she only ever be a hero in her dreams? The big question: who am I? Another question is, what is a hero? Also, how could she ever get to be one?

Then Fluffers, a ghost dog, comes to stay in the cottage next door. A few days later, Jake, a classmate, is struck by a hit and run driver, and Fluffers comes to get Caro. Something happens inside Caro. She wants to find who hit Jake. She wants, very much, to be a hero.

But, she asks herself, what is a hero, in this case? What would a hero do?

Worst, her fear doesn't go away. In fact, new fears come up. Like, could Fluffers want to hurt her?

Caro asks hereself, is she a chicken or a hero? Does she dare to do what she's scared to do, the thing she knows in her heard is the right thing to do? She comes to some decisions.     Click to CONTINUE

Caro's Biggest Question: Who am I?
Scared kid? Or Female Super Hero? And What is a Hero, Anyway?
Not Easy, Being 13, Scared of the Dark, and Wanting to be a Hero.

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