Caro Carolina, 13, and Stories about Friendship, Broken Friendship, Making Friends.
Caro wants a true friend. Her 2 best friends wont talk to her. Friendship Stories.

Caro Carolina, 13, and Stories about Friendship, Broken Friendship, Making Friends.
Caro Wants a True Friend. Her 2 Best Friends Won't Talk to Her.
Friendship Stories.


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Caro Carolina Wants a True Friend       

Caro has always loved stories about best friends, real friends, true friends. All her favorite heroines have best friends, kindred spirits. Anne of Green Gables. Emily of New Moon. Everybody. Stories about friendship, friendship stories - those are Caro's favorites.

Her favorites are her mom's stories - like about Trixie Belden who solved mysteries and had a whole group of friends. Even Call of the Wild - the story of a dog and a man who were best friends. But did it ever happen outside stories? Could you have a real true friend?

Even before Cassie and Liana, supposedly her best friends, stopped talking to her, she hadn't been kindred spirits with them. Often she'd felt lonely when she was with them. Still, they'd been friends forever. Would things ever get fixed? She doesn't know. Having a broken friendship hurt, maybe not in the same way as a broken leg, but it hurt.

As for making friends, Caro doesn't know much about that. She hardly remembers making friends with Cassie. They were around five. And then Liana got added in. Now, in a way, she'll have to be making friends for the first time, if she wants a true friend.    Click to go to CARO'S QUEST

What can she do? Put a notice on the bulletin board at the grocery story? True Friend Wanted. Or how about, Wanted: Broken Friendship Repair Shop.

Is there anyone who would fit with her? Or will she have to spend the summer alone? Yukk. Caro Carolina hates even the thought of that. Will she spend it reading stories about friendship? In stories about friendship, somehow the friendship happens.

Sometimes she wonders if she'll ever have a friend, a real friend, a true friend. She doesn't want to be, deep inside, always alone.

preteen girl and ghost dog

In the meantime, there's Fluffers, the ghost dog next door. Will Fluffers be her friend, her only true friend for the summer? And anyway, Fluffers is leaving soon. Still, girl and dog – is that going to be the only good part of her summer?

Caro Carolina, 13, and Stories about Friendship, Broken Friendship, Making Friends.
Caro Wants a True Friend. Her 2 Best Friends Won't Talk to Her.
Friendship Stories.

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