Caro Has Always Been Scared of the Dark. Then a Ghost Dog Moves in Next Door.
Her Night Fears and Fear of the Dark Stay With Her. Is She Just a Stupid Scared Kid?

Caro Has Always Been Scared of the Dark. Then a Ghost Dog Moves in Next Door.
Her Night Fears and Fear of the Dark Stay With Her.
Is She Just a Stupid Scared Kid?


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Caro, 13, Scaredy Cat       

Caro longs to be a hero. But she knows she's not cut out to actually be a hero.

First of all, what hero is scared of the dark? Fear of the dark, night fears. She's scared to put a leg out of bed at night. What if something creepy crawly grabs her ankle? She knows, in her head, that there's nothing but dust under the bed. That doesn't stop her from being scared. She sleeps with a night light.

And not only that, she's at least a bit scared of the ghost dog next door. What if it's secretly out to get her?  Click to go to CARO'S QUEST

An even bigger fear is fear of being made fun of. Cassie and Liana, supposedly her two best friends, won't talk to her and laugh out loud whenever they see her. What about? She doesn't know.

Her parents say, it doesn't matter what people think, what matters is the truth. Caro acts as if she doesn't care when Cassie and Liana laugh, but she shrivels inside.

Caro Carolina, scaredy cat. She's even afraid she'll be laughed at for wanting to be a hero.

Some hero! Scared kid, scared girl, scaredy cat, scared of her own shadow, chicken shit, sometimes just about scared shitless.

But sometimes, she knows, it makes sense to be scared. What if the ghost does is out to get her?

And what if she never ever finds another friend? That's something else she's afraid of. Caro Carolina doesn't want to be always alone. She doesn't know what to do.

preteen girl and ghost dog

Caro Has Always Been Scared of the Dark. Then a Ghost Dog Moves in Next Door.
Her Night Fears and Fear of the Dark Stay With Her.
Is She Just a Stupid Scared Kid?

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big questions that make you think           preteen girl and ghost dog




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