What Is Life After Death? What Is It Like? Life After Death Stories. Life After Death Experiences.
Is There Proof of Life After Death through Accounts Of Life After Death Experience?

What Is Life After Death? What Is It Like?
There are Life After Death STORIES. But are there Life After Death EXPERIENCES?
Is There Proof of Life After Death through Accounts of Such Experience?


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If Life After Death Exists,  
What Is It Like?

What is life after death like? Something I've heard almost nothing about, from people who claim contact with those who are dead, is either heaven or hell. Most often, what I hear about is people keeping a sense of themselves - personality, even appearance.

That's what happens in Caro's Quest. Caro can't see Fluffers, which she finds very frustrating. She would so much like a good look at a ghost dog – it would make a great story to tell friends. But there are a few people who see Fluffers even if they don't want to – and what they see is Fluffers as she looked in life, a smallish black dog with a huge bushy tail.

Is that what I believe? What is life after death like, according to me?

I know what life after death stories are currently most popular. The most common belief of those around me is that most people continue after death for a time, then come back onto earth. That sounds more interesting than floating around in heaven. And it's sure better than burning forever.

But what do I believe? I'd like to believe that we continue, and if we feel like it - if it's right for us - that we come back.

I know what I don't believe. Hell. The biggest argument against hell is that it doesn't make sense. It makes sense that lots of angry hateful people would love everyone they don't approve of to burn in hell forever. It doesn't compute that some very powerful deity would do this to people - to ordinary people who didn't follow some commandment or other. Also, as a teacher, I don't see that eternal torment is a particularly useful way for getting people to learn. All people want, with pain, is for the pain to stop. By the way, if there is a hell, it doesn't prove that any of the religions that believe in it are the true religion, but that there is some particularly nasty deity.


There's something else to look at when asking, what is life after death like? That question: do animals have anything that lives on?

Also, even when alive, are they worth anything? Or is animal love some human nuttiness?   Click to CONTINUE

What Is Life After Death? What Is It Like?
Life After Death Stories. Life After Death Experiences.
Is There Proof of Life After Death through Accounts Of Life After Death Experience?

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