Is There Proof of Ghosts? Do Ghosts Exist? Are Ghosts Real? What About Ghost Dogs?
Caro, 13, wants to know. A weird stranger with a ghost dog has come to stay next door. Is the ghost real?

Is There Proof of Ghosts? Do Ghosts Exist? Are Ghosts Real? What About Ghost Dogs?
Caro, 13, wants to know. A weird stranger with a ghost dog has come to stay next door.
Is the ghost real?

It's not just Caro who wonders. Those questions have also stayed in my head.

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What is Real & Other Big Questions,
such as ...   What Proof is There?

Is there evidence of ghosts? What about, are there real haunted houses? And what about ghost dogs?

The big question: how can one be sure? Can we trust the people who say yes? And then, what about all those who say no? Is it just that they can't see the same things, that they're missing a sense, like some people can't hear or can't see color?

And what about my own life? Have I had any proof of ghosts? Because, with anyone else, I have to take their word - it's not within my "seeing" range.

In my Montreal home, when I moved in – all alone – years ago, the floorboards squeaked at night as I lay in my bed. Not in the bedroom. At the other end of my place, past the kitchen. In the back bedroom. They'd squeak, one at a time, with long pauses in between. I would force myself to get up. No one there. I explained the squeaking to myself as something that must have an everyday explanation – maybe the temperature was changing and the old floorboards squeaked.

Over a decade later – when the squeaking had long stopped – someone told me my place was known to be haunted. It had a ghost. If so, I've never met him or her. I did hear floorboards squeak. In fact, they squeaked for years.

Maybe this is one of those short ghost stories. I never heard or felt the ghost (if it was there) come closer. I have no idea when the sounds stopped. But it's been years now.

Are there real haunted houses? Did I live in one? I don't know. Is there proof of ghosts? There are millions and millions of accounts of sightings, seeings, contacts. I'd say the indication is that ghosts - non-alive alivenesses - exist. Except of course that so many of us long for the answer to be yes - and so how can we be sure we're not just fooling ourselves?

Are ghosts real? - this ties in with an even bigger question. Is there life after death? Is there anything after death?  That's really what interests me when I wonder, is there proof of ghosts?  Click to CONTINUE

These are big questions, as well, for Caro Carolina, 13, who can't see the ghost dog her neighbor keeps talking to. Is her neighbor crazy? Or to put it more nicely, is her neighbor weird? Or is it just that Caro can't see what her neighbor can?
Click to go to CARO'S QUEST

Is There Proof of Ghosts? Do Ghosts Exist? Are Ghosts Real? What About Ghost Dogs?
Caro, 13, wants to know. A weird stranger with a ghost dog has come to stay next door.
Is the ghost real?

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